
­­­­Tim first met Death with his first breath and scared him away with his first cry. Tim had some powerful lungs even though he wheezed.


Tim met Death on his first Father’s Day. He had no memory of it he was a baby. Tim’s Dad held him ‘n panicked, he was too young to be a dad.


Tim met Death at dusk. His sleepy little eyes held dreams of yet to come ‘n he gave a smile. He cooed contented in Death’s gentle embrace.


Tim met Death in a crib. Tim kicked his tiny feet at the play mobile, the doggie man, the big bird with a crown, the giant ‘n the squirrel.


Tim met Death when his first diaper needed changing. Death opened the diaper ‘n shook with horror. How could so much come out of something so small? Tim pissed in Death’s face ‘n laughed

Tim met Death when he had his first bottle. He was crying bloody murder, at the top of his lungs. Windows shook. Death ran ‘n held him ‘n gave Tim a bottle, he happily sucked.


Tim met Death the first time he focused his eyes. He saw Death ‘n smiled ‘n gurgled. Death played with Tim’s tiny fist ‘n his lock of black hair.


Tim met Death at a cricket match ‘n Tim promptly fell asleep. Death was happy, he had tried so hard to get Tim to nap. Death fell soundly asleep.


Tim met Death when his mum gave him a little bowl of custard. Tim plopped handfuls on his placemat ‘n drew. Death showed him the alphabet.


Tim met Death on his first Easter. Tim could barely crawl, but he got a basket filled with goodies. Death bit the ears off a chocolate bunny.


Tim met Death in his bedroom. Death stood by Tim’s crib ‘n turned on the radio. Tim’s little head bopped, from then on Tim had to have music to sleep ‘n could pick out bass lines ‘n beats.


Tim met Death when he started crawling. A shrimp was dropped on the floor. They found Tim was allergic to shrimp. Death tousled his hair.


Tim met Death when he took his first step. He hung onto a drawer knob in the kitchen, he stepped ‘n tumbled. Death beamed ‘n dusted him off.


Tim met Death when he spoke his first word, hi. Tim kept saying it to his play mobile ignoring Death. Death smacked his head in exasperation.


Tim met Death when he could toddle. He had found a shiny paperclip and an outlet to put it in, oh how he cried. Death tsked Tim ‘n bemusedly shook his head.



Tim met Death when he said his first sentence, oh shit I gotta poop. Tim’s second sentence was, I’m sorry. Death went ‘n changed his diaper.


Tim met Death when he first picked up a crayon. He scribbled on the walls. Tim’s mum yelled. Death giggled. I like your pictures he thought


Tim met Death when he was learning to swim. One of his water wings developed a leak and his teacher didn’t notice. Death tsked at the girl.


Tim met Death when he first tried eating carrots. He turned a bit purple, coughed hard ‘n was fine. Death patted his back ‘n smiled at him.


Tim met Death when he started teething. He would put anything in mouth ‘n chew on it. Tim drooled in misery ‘n chewed on Death’s fingers.


Tim met Death in a bath. Death scrubbed Tim’s back while he played with his rubber raven, making it squawk. Bubbles came from the tub. Death grimaced. Tim giggled.


Tim met Death on his first birthday. Death bought Tim a little chocolate cake. Tim smeared most of it on his face ‘n bib. Death beamed.


Tim met Death the first time he got bubble gum in his hair, his sister put it there. Death cut it out ‘n Tim toddled around with a bald patch.


Tim met Death when he got his first toy, a stuffed lamb named Ernie. Tim slowly picked off Ernie’s wool ‘n ate him. When Death found Ernie had disappeared, he was perplexed ‘n then found what left of Ernie in Tim’s diaper.


Tim met Death ‘n he gave Tim Ernie the II, who was Ernie’s identical twin. Tim had him longer because Death took him. Ernie the II was bald though.


Tim met Death when he first swallowed a penny. Death was worried until it came out. Death learned babies are nature’s horrible change purse.


Tim met Death when he first opened a cabinet. Death found him sitting chewing a potato covered in flour on the kitchen floor. Death chuckled.


Tim met Death when saw his first deer, he pointed at it ‘n shouted cow. Tim lived near a farmer with a herd of cattle, four legs meant cow to him.


Tim met Death the first time he rode in a car, he got sick. Tim spent the whole trip puking in the backseat. Death wiped his face off.


Tim met Death when he first got pinkeye. Death didn’t know it was contagious. There was no pinkeye in the underworld until Death brought it.


Tim met Death when he met his first dog, Ethel, she belonged to Tim’s aunts. Ethel the sheepdog snuffled against him playpen. Death beamed.


Tim met Death when he first took off his diaper ‘n ran naked through the yard. Death laughed with delight. Tim’s Mum screamed at him.


Tim met Death when he asked where babies came from. Really Death thought really they come from there? Tim nodded his little head sagely.


Tim met Death when he got his first teddy Schlep, who followed Tim everywhere. Death liked Schlep there were no teddies in the underworld.


Tim met Death when they first watched Doctor Who. The moment Death saw the Daleks he was in love. Tim was delighted ‘n squeed at the Doctor.


Tim met Death in the yard. He was following the Easter bunny, he thought, but what came out of it was brown, but not chocolate or an egg. Death giggled.


Tim met Death when he pulled the tail of the neighbor’s cat. He was covered in scratches ‘n oh how they stung, but Death put on Band-Aids.


Tim met Death the first time he felt left out. The other kids let him be near them, but when he tried to join in. He was completely shut down.


Tim met Death the first time he heard a lie, this is only going to hurt a little bit. Oh how Tim cried, it hurt really bad. Death held Tim.


Tim met Death the first time he was duped. There were sweet words ‘n candy, but there also was a hospital, a nurse, ‘n a shot. Death nodded.


Tim met Death when he first got ignored pulling at his mother’s leg. She was a busy woman, she walked off. Tim cried for a bit. Death sighed.


Tim met Death ‘n he wanted a toy so bad ‘n he told Death so. I already got you a toy Death thought. Tim held his breath until he turned blue, but Death wouldn’t budge.


Tim met Death the first time he had to get dressed up, Tim was a ring bearer. He’s way too young Death thought. Tim swallowed the ring ‘n happily played. The wedding rehearsal was stalled for a bit.


Tim met Death when he went to quietly play by himself. He had fun playing with his trucks ‘n scribbling with his crayons. Death patted him.


Tim met Death hanging from a tree upside-down. Tim loved to climb high. Death had a thing for heights, so he hugged the tree trunk tight.


Tim met Death on his first long trip to Gran ‘n Grandpa’s. Tim had his head out the window puking the whole time. Death patted his back.


Tim met Death when he stubbed his toe, his swearing fascinated Tim, who for the next week happily screamed mother%#*^/@. Death thought d*%^ .


Tim met Death when he slammed his fingers in the car door the first time. Tim cried ‘n Death wiped his tears, he hadn’t been looking.


Tim met Death when he bonked Tim’s head while trying to open the kitchen door. Oh how he cried. Death took a look ‘n kissed Tim’s head.


Tim met Death the first time he was bored. Tim ran around the house naked with a bucket on his head. Death laughed until it hurt. Tim beamed.



Tim met Death on his first Christmas, in a hospital in a croup tent. Death patted Tim’s wet little head ‘n sat watching him fitfully sleep.


Tim met Death on a dock. Death brought a loaf of stale bread ‘n broke off pieces ‘n fed the ducks. Tim squealed with delight at their antics.


Tim met Death when he threw his first tantrum. Tim went limp on the floor of the restaurant ‘n had a screamed that’d make a banshee proud. Death tried to pick him up, but he went ragdoll.


Tim met Death on a dirt path ‘n went berry picking. Tim was good at finding the juicy hidden berries. Death ate more berries than he picked.


Tim met Death the first time he went to the woods, he almost stepped in a fairy ring ‘n a wood elf asked Death if he could spare any change. Death gave him five acorn tops.


Tim met Death when he got first haircut. Tim sat in the chair ‘n screamed ‘n cried. Death gave Tim his teddy Schlep ‘n he quieted down some.


Tim met Death in a bedroom. Death tucked him into bed. Tim begged for Death to turn off the light. Tim was a funny little boy he hoped for monsters in the closet ‘n underneath the bed.


Tim met Death in his bedroom. Tim had dream about a strange creature, the Bird King. It’s was no dream Tim he lives in the corner of your eye Death thought.


Tim met Death when he got his first kitty Mr. Socks. Tim patted his belly too hard ‘n Mr. Socks objected. Death put Band-Aids on Tim’s scratches.


Tim met Death on a porch ‘n helped his grandma snap beans. Death checked his list ‘n shivered. He went to get a hammer. Death was helping Tim’s grandma with the house.


Tim met Death at his grandma’s house. While Death was repairing the roof, he panicked ‘n lost footing ‘n fell. Tim jumped off the porch giggling to help him up. Death shook.


Tim met Death ‘n he showed him his record collection. Tim liked the music ‘n loved the color of the records ‘n the cover art. Death beamed.


Tim met Death at his first day of kindergarten. He loved it, but no matter how hard he tried Tim couldn’t understand time. Death chuckled.


Tim met Death when he first asked his Mum if he could have a dog. She screeched no ‘n that she was scared of dogs. Don’t give up Death thought.


Tim met Death when he got his first coloring book. Tim could color in the lines, but he wondered why you’d want to. Death shrugged ‘n smiled.


Tim met Death when he needed a nap, he hated them. Tim stomped ‘n yelled until he was red ‘n then fell asleep. Death tucked him in bed ‘n kissed him on the head.


Tim met Death at a beauty pageant for little girls. Death took look at his list, lots of the moms on it. Tim was thrilled because most of the mum there were really mean. Death grinned.


Tim met Death when he was teaching Schlep how to fly. Schlep was stuck ‘n needed to be saved. Grumbling Death climbed the tree ‘n tried not to look down. Death returned Schlep to Tim’s eager arms. Death shook.


Tim met Death when he first noticed boys ‘n girls were different. He was playing doctor with a little neighbor girl. Death read a magazine, he was in the waiting room.


Tim met Death at a pond, they watched the fish lazily swim ‘n eat bugs. Tim didn’t like it. Death patted his back, death was a part of life.


Tim met Death to go catch toads. Tim liked to watch them hop ‘n Death liked to lick them. Tim giggled as he watched silly Death kiss a toad.


Tim met Death on a beach. Tim buried him in the sand ‘n waited for the high tide. Tim hadn’t learned yet you can’t get rid of Death.


Tim met Death when he went poop on the potty for the first time. There were ruthless negotiations. Tim finally agreed to do it for a gumball. Death gave Tim a shiny penny for his gumball bank.


Tim met Death the first time he went to see Santa ‘n oh how he cried because Santa smelt of piss, rum ‘n fags. Death whisked poor Tim away.


Tim met Death in his naughty corner. He tried to act all grown up, but he just couldn’t. Death patted his back ‘n grinned hugely. Tim giggled ‘n squirmed.


Tim met Death the first time he had to wait for the bathroom. What are you doing Death thought, he had never seen the pee pee dance. Tim frowned.


Tim met Death when he first got his heart broken. He ‘n Sam were the bestest of friends, then Sam didn’t want to be anymore ‘n took his dump truck back. Death gave Tim a bear hug.


Tim met Death with his first dog Gracie. A bull mad with lust for a cow jumped the fence ‘n went chasing after Tim ‘n she protected him. Death gave Gracie a cookie ‘n a pat.


Tim met Death in a hospital waiting room. Death sat with poor Tim. This is worse than limbo Death thought. Tim gave a seal’s bark cough.


Tim met Death at a pharmacy. Tim was unwell. At least he feels well enough to toddle up ‘n down the aisle ‘n cough on people Death thought.



Tim met Death when he learned how to tie his shoes. Tim practiced first on Death. Tim ‘n Death would be trapped because of the Gordian knots Tim would tie. Death freed them with a pocket knife.


Tim met Death at the pool. Tim had wanted to go into the shallow end, but Death talked him out of it. It was a suspicious shade of yellow. Tim jumped off the diving board ‘n had great fun. Death lounged in the sun.


Tim met Death when his gerbil Terrance chewed a hole in Schlep’s back ‘n made a nest. Tim left him to nap ‘n found that Terrance was a she.


Tim met Death the first time he got a laugh. He loved it ‘n he walked around telling everyone his joke until it died. Death gave Tim some new material.


Tim met Death the first time he procrastinated. Mrs. Perkin’s ancient cat should have died a long time ago, but Death love Gary. Tim grinned.


Tim met Death the first time he read a book all by himself, worlds opened up ‘n Tim saw what he wanted to be. Death beamed with pride. From then on he carried a pad ‘n pencil in his pocket.


Tim met Death when he was first laughed at by the other kids. He felt so embarrassed he thought would die. Death shook his head ‘n smiled.


Tim met Death when he got the best birthday gift ever not the shiny tricycle his Mum gave him, but the box it came in. Death patted his back.


Tim met Death on Valentine’s Day. Everyone in class decorated their paper bags ‘n passed out cards. Tim gave Death his chalky candy hearts ‘n during recess Death drew with them on the asphalt.


Tim met Death on his last day of kindergarten. Tim could count ‘n spell with the best of them, but telling time he just didn’t get. Death gave him a digital watch.


Tim met Death in his naughty corner. He was angry ‘n threw a fit. He fitted his gerbil Terrence with a stink bomb ‘n let him loose. Death sighed.


Tim met Death when his brother accidentally killed his gerbil Terence while playing battleships. Death put him in his pocket ‘n gave a sigh.


Tim met Death when he took responsibility for his actions Tim broke his brother’s R2-D2 bank when they were playing. Tim apologized for it. Tim’s brother gave him a noogie ‘n hug.


Tim met Death he found his first pet snake. A beautiful corn snake he named Cornflake. Cornflake loved to go meet people. Death giggled.


Tim met Death when he got chicken pox. He thought he’d go mad with the urge to itch himself or die. Death shook his head ‘n put oven mitts to Tim’s hands.


Tim met Death on his birthday. Death had decorated it a firefighter theme. Tim had the chicken pox ‘n other parents wanted their kids to catch it. Death shook his head.


Tim met Death at the circus ‘n they took a seat in the rickety bleachers. Tim enjoyed the circus. Death went running when he saw the clowns.


Tim met Death in a meadow to pick blackberries. Tim walked to a different spot ‘n was startled by a bunny hopping around. They ran in opposite directions. Death giggled.


Tim met Death the first time he was inspired, he flew at the easel. Tim was covered head to toe in fingerprints. Death beamed ‘n wiped’em off.

Tim met Death in the underworld. They visited Death’s Gran. She complained that she hadn’t seen him in an eternity. Tim ‘n Death grinned.


Tim met Death in a living room. Tim sat at Death’s feet. Death told him his nightmares. Tim listened rapt. He loved monsters ‘n broken things.


Tim met Death at a Halloween party. Death brought a real demon from hell to spice up the party, but all it wanted to do was bob for apples.


Tim met Death in an attic with all sorts of cool movie props swords ‘n shields ‘n saddles. Death played horsie with Tim bucking ‘n neighing.


Tim met Death on a dock, his legs dangled off the edge. They watched the jellyfish float. Tim wondered if one day he’d die. Death nodded yes.


Tim met Death when he camped in the yard for the first time. Death told him stories about the underworld ‘n Tim beamed with happiness ‘n turned his marshmallow into a flaming charcoal. Death stamped it out with his foot.


Tim met Death the first time he looked at the stars. It filled him with such wonder ‘n his mind opened. Death stared up into the night happy, it reminded him of home.

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